In the world of software-defined everything, WAN is yet another option. And like so many of the other software-defined products, SD-WAN means something different for every provider. It could mean centralized management of remote site WAN devices. Perhaps it involves moving router functionality to a commodity appliance. In most all cases, SD-WAN does involve moving from higher cost dedicated circuits to more cost-effective Internet connectivity. Using centralized management, the provider creates policies that monitor connections and direct traffic to the right link at the right time. This results in better application functionality, lower cost, and easier management of the WAN solution.

There is no single solution so when considering an SD-WAN solution, there a number of common questions. Answering these questions is key to determining if SD-WAN is a fit for your organization.
- How is a software-defined WAN different from a regular WAN?
- Are multiple providers supported with an SD-WAN solution?
- How do I save money with SD-WAN?
- How difficult is it to get SD-WAN set up?
- How do I monitor and manage an SD-WAN solution?
- Can I integrate an existing MPLS network into SD-WAN?
- Will my current hardware support a transition to SD-WAN?
We can answer these questions and show you how SD-WAN can improve application performance while reducing network costs. Contact us today so we can discuss in more detail.